What is ASK in the world of hospitality? Why do we have to have a good ASK in the world of hospitality? What is the managerial view of good ASK?
In this webinar, our resource persons will share their experiences about ASK and the role of ASK in managing a hotel.
Don’t miss the website, prepare questions to ask about ASK and hotel management.
When the situation changes, people with a good attitude can adapt, respond and excel appropriately.
Keynotespeaker: Bapak M. Nur. A Nasution, CHA Bapak Bakti VIllo Bapak Muhammad Syukur Achmad
Moderator: Siska Amelia Maldin
Hari Senin, 18 Mei 2020 di mulai pukul 10.00 WIB,
untuk pendaftaran dan e-sertifikat bisa mengisi form https://bit.ly/regbtplive1
Link live Webinar: https://bit.ly/btplive1 atau di channel Youtube Batam Tourism Polytechnic